
The prices indicate the subscription applied for the use of our APIs and SDKs based on the size of your platform.

We set a fixed monthly subscription based on your number of users, with no additional usage costs. The rate remains the same for one year before adjusting according to your user count.

This pricing allows us to cover our server costs and maintain a technical team to meet user needs. We also create all the GIFs on our platform to ensure high-quality content.

We do not collect or monetize any data from your users.



### Pro

€0.001 per user/month

For platforms with fewer than 10 million users.

Full access to the catalog.

### Max

€0.002 per user/month

For platforms with 10 to 20 million users.

Full access to the catalog.

Priority content request.

### Ultra

€0.003 per user/month

For platforms with over 20 million users.

Full access to the catalog.

Priority content request.

Custom filters with your own criteria.